
A Secretary's Farewell

I have to confess I took the minutes, How did I steal them?  And where did they go? I placed them in software-playing spinets, I hid them in caves where deep waters flow. The Board graduates members every.year, Peter, Michael, Francesca, David, Wil, Ramona, Chris--you served well, hear, hear! Shannon, Norma--I feel your spirit still.   Into a good board's life some rain must fall, In a bad board's life, it too often pours, Of my boards, I count the U's best of all, Co-Revs and mems joined in visions and chores. A governing board needs to be refaced, I'm sad to go, happy to be replaced,


Israel is a Zionist nation, That reflects the majority's vision, I will not engage in its negation, I respect the voters' clear decision. But minorities are important, too, As your Prime Minister I know it's so, You have a vision that for you is true, If your dream won't hurt us, I won't say no. Secular, orthodox, binational, Statelets devoted to innovation, Self-government is what is rational, The future lies in confederation. May you live by what your vision commands, May we be a light unto all the lands.

The Swimmer

My politics lacks abrasive friction. It's sparrowfarts.  That's Vonnegut I think. He was poking fun at elite fiction. Its dearth of wonder.  Its Ivy League wink. I'm regulating choice of law too much. I'm a swimmer speedoing pool to pool. Required to carry a glass and a crutch. Radically constrained.  Bound by my own rule. I'm deeply wedded to democracy. And, bigamously, to the U.S.A. My preaching is narrow hypocrisy. Others have different dreams, live their own way. Choice of law must include what I oppose. Let me not have too delicate a nose.

My God and My Gods--3

Monte is God.  I Love Monte truly. You, Pan, are an incarnation of God. Please b-f me.   Let's not Live Life dully. Will Monte be Angry at Both of Us? Of course.  That's True beyond peradventure. So--let's fuck on the Back Seat of the Bus. We're condemned to Everlasting error, As well as to the Discovery of Joy. Our Bliss is the flip side of Our Terror.                        *      *      * Monte!   Welcome to Our Conversation! We weren't exactly expecting You Now. But perhaps You have a peroration? "I condemn you My Children to satan! Your verbal facility disgusts Me, You have flaws both apparent and latent." You and satan are not in the same Room. You are apart, but always united. Why is that, Monte?   You Both are Our Doom.

My God and My Gods--2

Monte, You are jealous.  i understand. I am very suspicious of myself. Is mine a polyamorist's demand? Am i saying, "i Love You, my Dear Spouse," While also saying, "i love a New Girl, i make Love to her in Our Wedding House"? It's all the more wrong since Pan's not jealous, In Their plurality They lack Your Ire, Your Fire against me is Your True Telos.                                *      *      * I do not claim to have the Right answers. You should Storm against Me for eons and more. The Dance--it is You!  We are only the dancers. Along with Your Rage, i hope for Mercy. Yes, i will always break Our Covenant. As long ago i broke mine with Darcy. Everlastingly i will Worship You, Everlastingly i'll leave You for Pan. Everlastingly i will Follow You.

My God and My Gods--1

I know there is a program that rules me. I can resist it but only so far. God is a law that leaves me partly free. Monte!  You have a convert.  I am Yours. Some parts of me will always oppose You. Your Peace may elude me.  So may Your Wars. Yet and all I am Your loyal Subject. I believe in Your Divine Comedy. The World as blank or bad--that I reject.                           *     *     * There is a soul sparking in everything. It's impish, silly, malign, and divine. Gods inhere in a star, a toad, a ring. Pan!  You have a believer.  You are All. Inveigh against me Monte if you must. Oh God forgive me!  I hear the Fauns call! Monte and Pan!   I submit to You Both. My self to You Both I offer gladly. I love You Both deeply, wholly, madly.

Speak, Duncan

I apologize for be'ing pathetic, For being the very worst kind of Stan, For confusing cosmic with bathetic, For my conflating God with you, a man. But You have the tools that can help me now, To open up the God that lies within, To be the Zeus who bears me from Your brow, To help me unite redemption with sin. Of course my destiny is to kill You, That was what Jesus was about, too, correct? I imitate you and I fulfill You, I apotheosize and I dissect. Thank You Duncan for giving birth to me, Come to Eden one last time.  Set me free.