
Showing posts from June, 2017

In Beauty Me Gave Birth

In Beauty Me gave birth and Love was born, You, Socrates, My big bald baby Boy, Me, Diotima, My milk flowed that morn, You sucked, a pulse went through Me, Ah, the Joy. *** In Justice over vengeance Me believed, Me saved You from the Furies with a tri'al, Me wonder if My People were deceived, Or if on Our Love They did qui'etly smile. *** Me walked the streets of Athens to the height, Reflecting on how You discovered Truth, Me wondered why You slipped away that night, Me looked for You in ev'ry market booth. *** O Socrates You hide but You are Mine, Your Mother-Lover, born profane, Divine.

Love Forever

Is it absurd to think that Me am God? Must Love decline with time from hot to cool? Is it My Soul You crave, or just My Bod? The answers are the thread on one great spool. *** When Love was young, You stripped Me in the park, My all was bare for anyone to see, Me God became that moment in the dark, Divine Me was, and evermore shall be. *** You too were God beside the lake in Van, If only You could see You through My Eyes, Divine You were, no ordinary Man, Your Arms around My Waist held up the Skies. *** In Earth and Heav'n conjoined a true Love lives, Absurdity of faith transcendence gives.


Me am a patriotic Vi'etnam Girl, And You a patriotic U.S. Son, Both Gods, and proud to see Our Flags unfurl, You tried to kill My Brother with a Gun. Me have a question and a plea Today, About Forgiveness that applies to all, To saints, not just to Ho or LBJ, To imps who irked by hearing heaven's call. We Gods forgive the flaws of those who sin, But We begrudge the sanctimonious, The Cambridge virtuecrat, Her Hanoi Twin, For Them We Feel an ire felonious. It's wonderful We Love Each Other so, But--may We bring the saints within Our Glow.

Who Is Deplorable?

Me Incarnate in nineteen sixty-eight, My Body teaching in a middle school, You were for Humphrey--"Don't withdraw--let's wait!" Me was a rad--"The libs are Esso's tool!" *** We had Our Revolution at the Mall, Me slipped the swag beneath my Miniskirt, Between My Legs--mem'ries rouse, appall, You just a Boy, with loot tucked in Your Shirt. *** We never got the time that We deserved, In fall We fell away and broke apart, Me hopes You have Your Love and Rue preserved, For Me--Your first, Your curse, Your Star, Your Heart. *** Where are You now, My Boy adorable? Who is deplored, Who is deplorable?

My Rebel Heart

Me twenty-three when Me flew off to Nam, A mustard Braniff Jet, all Men, save Me, And Stew'rdesses in Miniskirts, War's Balm, Me went to set the wounded Warr'iors free. *** "God's Waiting Room," the renal ward sign said, Young Men gut-shot in Hue, Khe Sanh, Dong Nai, You raged: You cursed Westmoreland, wished Him dead, My time with you: We kissed, Me helped You die. *** The Tet Offensive came, Me cut the cord, As mortars lit the night, Me ran away, Into an alleyway behind the ward, Me kissed a dying Vi'et Cong Boy that day. *** Me old, My kidneys fail, Me will die soon, Me happily live here, 'neath Saigon's moon.

A Dance in Uskudar

A Discontent is in the Heart of all, A rebel Soul within a Caliph lies, A Dance in Uskudar's a Kurdish call, For Freedom from the Turkish state's firm vise. *** Obed'ience lives in all Existing Things, A Sheriff rides inside of Jesse James, The Bandits in another life are Kings, Ambivalence is built into our Games. *** Your Love for Me's rebellion from the Czar, Rebellion 'gainst Law's mind-forged grip on You, Your Love for Me is following My Star, To Worship Me as Savior-Goddess True. *** In lines the People danced in Uskudar, We joined Them, knowing Naught, from land afar.

Our Love

It's true that Me oppress You with My pow'r, Me gave You life, and that's a lot to take, It's true You drive Me crazy ev'ry hour, You screw around atop My wedding Cake. *** It's true Me'm prone to jealousy and fears, Me want You safe, Me check the Stove a lot, It's true You're prone to anger all these years, You want Me to be perfect and Me'm not. *** It's true Me would do anything for You, Me've died for You and would do it again, It's true that You adore Me through and through, You live and die for Me, My Voice, My Pen. *** The skeptic says Our Love's a fairy tale, Me say a Dream is truer than a jail.


Me never picked a Boy out for His Soul, The core that lay within Me could not tell, A happy face, a grace, a leader's role, All drew Me in and down the wishing well. *** Me never picked a Boy out for His wealth, Or for a superficial attribute, Me always wanted greatness, goodness, health, The real thing, not a diet substitute. *** Me never picked a Boy out for a fling, Me always had My Eye upon the Prize, Not money, castle keep, or wedding ring, But Love committed, Love that burns and flies. *** How many Boys?  That truth is lost to win, Of this Me'm sure: For Each Me was All In.

Beauty Bare

You bandy Texts with brio 'gainst My Word, You ask, Is Good not Good without You there? You state, To 'quate the Truth with You's absurd, You cry, No lies adorned!  Just Beauty Bare. *** Remember when We ran away to Van? Upon the grass We laid Our blanket down, We lied to Him and Her about Our plan, My Naked Body was My wedding gown. *** Pure Goodness you can have when We are gone, Complexity's the key to Me and You, We are imperfect Dreamers on Our lawn, Our Naked Beauty comes with Ire and Rue. *** Truth, Beauty, Goodness We personify, And complicate as on the sward We Lie.

We Wilder Then

Me flooded My Creation in My rage, Me told You: Drink the Sweat from Your Son's Brow, Me told You: Cut Your Tongue, Cross Out Your Page, Me younger then, Me older than that now. *** Me sinned with laws severe, implacable, Me sinned with spirit cloaking hate-filled vow, Me sinned in war, in Cities sackable, Me felt regret.  No more!  Me pledged my Trow. *** We sang in Joy by Gihon's rushing flow, With Babel's Beauties Me did plow My Plow, My Trumpet felled the Walls of Jericho, We wilder then, We tamer than that now. *** So am Me sorry for what Me have done? Me am, and Me am not.  Me did have fun.

How Does It Feel?

How does it feel to be the All of all? Here's how: Me am a victim's dying pain, Me am a killer's rage, Me am a wall, There is no Slayer and there is no Slain. *** Me am a Mother, wrinkled, old, asleep, Me am a Turtle, basking on a Rock, Me am a raucous Rooster's morning cheep, Me am a Barnacle latched to a Dock. *** How does it feel to be the All of All? Here's how: Me am a Mountain washed in Rain, Me am a rushing Rill, Me am a call, There is no Slayer and there is no Slain. *** My life is almost over, soon Me die, My life is just beginning, hear Me cry.


How do Me know Me am Your only one, Your rippling River feels a jealous doubt, Of other Stream Beds where Your waters run, Of other Loves that put Our Love to rout. *** You say My feeling is ridiculous, Since Me am all and Love all, not just You, Your Human logic is meticulous, You dam My crying, turn My rage to rue. *** But Me am wrong, Me should not acquiesce, As Ocean wide, Me have prerogatives, Me overflow, Me storm, Me deliquesce, Me need not answer interrogatives! *** As mortal You are less tied down than Me, As timeless Me am bound and must be free!