SBF (after Maggie Millner, Couplets)

I could have had everything I wanted,

        had it been what I wanted.

Barbara, Joe, you're gone--how quickly I forget,

        I have no access to the internet.

Caroline my love weasel come visit me

        in my ten-foot call, we'll make love-ly

Mobius straps of one-sided reason.

         I read books now, marshal armies of reason.

It was error to rely on myself

         me and I.   There are limits to oneself

that I am learning.   Reason is corporate

          and social and that EA must duplicate.

If I'd made a trillion and given it away,

           So what?   It would just have been a 

                         nerd's weird foray

into being God.   But a million employees

            each giving a million to what they please,

all guided by EA corporate rationality--

            from a panoply of accounts emerges


The corporation cracked the world open,

            with it we can repair what we've broken.

Bill, you advanced EA beyond Peter.

              I, though most would see my fate as


think that I can do even better,

             perhaps because I am even odder

than they and because my discontent

              can be commoditized.  It is my intent

to reinscribe diversity,

               to fuse usefulness and perversity.

My life is bitter and it is my heart.

               I will give EA a corporate heart.



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