
Suttee comes from Sati, Shiva's wife.

She cursed her father and leapt into flame.

Did she err, Lizzie, in ending her life?

Could she have done better in Hell's dark game?  

"I think that she did as well as she could.

Shiva in rage cut off her father's head.

What she could not do, her husband did.

He danced with her body when she was dead.

Remember punishment is not magic.

Hell is mixed, but it, too, is comedy.

Nothing in the end is truly tragic.

With God, All is a Divine dramedy.

You cannot conjure up dragons and towers.

Better to burn than to debase your powers."

[7-18-24--flight to Kochi--drawn from a book bought in the Ahmedabad airport: Mahagatha: 100 Tales from the Puranas, by Satyarth Nayak]


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