
Showing posts from December, 2023

SBF (after Maggie Millner, Couplets)

I could have had everything I wanted,         had it been what I wanted. Barbara, Joe, you're gone--how quickly I forget,         I have no access to the internet. Caroline my love weasel come visit me         in my ten-foot call, we'll make love-ly Mobius straps of one-sided reason.          I read books now, marshal armies of reason. It was error to rely on myself          me and I.   There are limits to oneself that I am learning.   Reason is corporate           and social and that EA must duplicate. If I'd made a trillion and given it away,            So what?   It would just have been a                           nerd's weird foray into being God.   But a million employees           ...

Supermarket Bars

New York City's the first stop on my line, Seating's ample, the bar's exiguous, The neighborhood's wondrous--ah, the High Line, Here, I'm called on to be assiduous. Inside the store in Newark there's no seating, Across the way in Coolvines, I can drink, Philly's bar's great for quaffing and eating, The posh and the peeps meet to chat and think. D.C. on H Street is kind of funny, It's a failure!  The bar has been shut down, I'm with the poor, not the folks with money, No, it's great!  It's my favorite drinking town. What I've learning from drinking at Foods of Whole: Each place has a diff'rent corporate soul.