Love Ceremony

Me say to You who are are having a child with another, consider this:

Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, N.N., swear Your Love, mind, body, and soul, for M.M.?

N.N.: I do.

Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, M.M., swear Your Love, mind, body, and soul, for N.N.?

M.M.: I do.

Celebrant and Congregation: Do You both swear that if Your Love of the body for the Other ceases that You will preserve Your Love of the mind and of the soul for the Other all of Your days?

M.M. and N.N.: We do.

Celebrant and Congregation:  In swearing so, do you accept and understand that you are committing to love Each Other all the days of Your lives? 

M.M. and N.N.: We do. 

Celebrant and Congregation: Do You both swear that Your Love is a gift and not a bond, a freely given offering and not a duty?

M.M. and N.N.: We do.

Celebrant and Congregation: We bless You and revere You.  Let no one here or anywhere convert Your Love into a fetter.  May You be in Love and free all the days of Your lives, 'til death do you part.


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