Commitment Ceremony
Me say to You who are having a child with another person, consider this:
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, N.N., promise to love, honor, and cherish this newborn child, O.N., in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, all the days of Your life?
N.N.: I do.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, N.N., promise to be faithful to O. beyond all Others in your life, forsaking if need be all Others, all the days of your life, 'til death do you part?
N.N.: I do.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, M.M., promise to love, honor, and cherish this newborn child, O.N., all the days of Your life?
M.M.: I do
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, M.M., promise to love, honor, and cherish N. in remaining faithful to O., beyond all Others, all the days of Your life?
M.M.: I do.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, O.N., promise to love, honor, and cherish N.N., all the days of Your life?
M.M. (answering for O.): I do.
Celebrant and Congregation to N.N. and O.N. and M.M.: We bless You and We revere You. Let no one here or anywhere tear asunder the promises that have been made this day.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, N.N., promise to love, honor, and cherish this newborn child, O.N., in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, all the days of Your life?
N.N.: I do.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, N.N., promise to be faithful to O. beyond all Others in your life, forsaking if need be all Others, all the days of your life, 'til death do you part?
N.N.: I do.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, M.M., promise to love, honor, and cherish this newborn child, O.N., all the days of Your life?
M.M.: I do
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, M.M., promise to love, honor, and cherish N. in remaining faithful to O., beyond all Others, all the days of Your life?
M.M.: I do.
Celebrant and Congregation: Do You, O.N., promise to love, honor, and cherish N.N., all the days of Your life?
M.M. (answering for O.): I do.
Celebrant and Congregation to N.N. and O.N. and M.M.: We bless You and We revere You. Let no one here or anywhere tear asunder the promises that have been made this day.
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