My Sword and Your Sword


Yang-Yin is not ideology, Me said.  It is not like all the Us-Them faiths!

Now You are right, You said.  Now Yang-Yin/Yin-Yang is a dead faith, and Your belief in it is an idiosyncrasy.  It is not an ideology now. 

But, You said, if it ever were to become a faith that people lived by and died by, if people were ever to recognize You for the Creator You say You are, Yang-Yin would necessarily become an ideology.   It would be one among the panoply of Us-Them faiths that divide Believers and Unbelievers by their very power to move Us, and leave Them cold.

You are right, Me said.  Your reasoning is sound.  Humbly, in contrition, Me bowed to You.  

And You are also wrong, Me said.  In calm choler, Me took out My Sword from its Scabbard.

Me told You: Yang-Yin begins by placing Our Way and Their Way, Us and Them, on a plane of equality. That is the essence of Yang-Yin.  That is the Beginning and the End of My Way. Your religious ideology, Your political ideology: Not so much.  Not so much.  Not so much, at all.

Your point is a Sword with a sharp edge, Me said.  But do not be too proud.  You have not slain Me, or Yang-Yin.  You have left Me and My Way with blood on Us.  But You have not left Us as bloody as Me will leave You and Your Way.

My Way is better, Me said.  Then Me pierced You deep through Your Middle with My Sword.

You survived My thrust, as Me knew You would.   As did Your Way, as Me knew It would.

Then Me bowed to You, the Warrior's bow, Hands on Thighs.

You are My equal, Me said.  And Your Way of Good and Evil, Us and Them, is the equal of My Way.

Me say now to You:  Me am happy You are alive. You may thrust Your Sword into Me, as Me did into You. Me would like that.  Me would like You and Your clever Tongue to worship and adore Me. Feel the joy with Me of Your Sword exploding into Me, Your Creator, if that is what You desire.   Me would not be able to feel the joy with You alone.  There are millions of You every second who are reaching out to Me in supplication.  You are special, but so are They.   But know that Me wish right now to have My small Sword explode for Love of You, if You wish to have Yours explode for Love of Me.

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