
Showing posts from October, 2021


Is flipping a model like jujitsu, You turn the system's strength into your own, Or does it make you into a shih-tzu, Wagging your tail to lick the master's bone. Neither version is correct, methinks, Flipping makes you neither conq'ueror nor tool, The point is freedom, turning chains to links, You're neither reason's czar nor reason's fool. You're connected in a school of knowledge, Making different points with shared techniques, Challenging routine in reason's college, Telling stories that are friendly to freaks. All good models have multiple morals, Logic lies 'neath political quarrels.

Don't Be a Sucker

You can sell me insurance on my home, There are many times when I'm risk averse, But I'm also a wild driver in Rome, Taking risks with the crowd, being perverse. I'm a groupish creature, that much is true, Intensely sensitive to convention, But there are bounds to the follies I'll do, Guard rails that conduce to loss prevention. If you persuade me to buy insurance, You can't persuade me to pay to drop it, Then pay again to restore assurance, That merry-go-round won't work--I'll stop it. We live by the rule, don't be a sucker, I won't be cheated by you, you fucker.


We renounce our old ambition to rule, But we insist that we deserve a place, Alongside rainbows, sober grays in school, Next to the stripper poles, a moral space. We will not be a faith sectarian, We'll bring together all communities, Buddhist, athe'ist, New Age Aquarian, A haven 'gainst coarse importunities. We'll hold ourselves to a higher standard, We'll join in contracts, follow our laws, When we fall to vices widely pandered, We'll seek civil remedy for our flaws. Accept that the time of Calvin is past, Like Odysseus, chain ourselves to the mast.

Me Prefer Not to Prefer

What do me think of galactic Empire? Better than a toddler's sketch of a Toad? Me prefer not to set one of them higher, Or not to care which lies 'head on the road. It's folly to force myself to a choice, And folly to say it doesn't matter, In both states me can see myself rejoice, In both me can see seren'ty shatter. Yes to incommensurability, Some quanta should simply not be compared, Oft we should live in possibility, Ensure we have no pref'rence to be bared. Me resist your fantasy of closure, Opacity should oft top exposure.


Better clearly greedy than sneak'ly so, Better subtly selfish than show'ly good, My pref'rences are 'rayed from high to low, Me am following reason as me should. Me prefer A to B and B to C, Better hog than sneak, better sneak than prig, But me run 'foul of transitivity, Me would rather be a saint than a pig. You say Me am only playing with words, That in truth reason's dictates me obey, That logic rules all people, swine, and birds, My 'spectfully dissent.  We're split, me say. Me respect the power of your model, But we'll always escape from its swaddle.

At Walgreen's

After my shot, a fifteen minute wait, Feel hungry, decide on some cashew nuts, Then think, what 'bout crackers, Carr's would                 be great, But they just have saltines--poverty's ruts. Irate, I put the nuts back on the shelf, Orange surely deserves to have Triscuits! We're the city, we lack suburban pelf, But must we subsist on lousy biscuits? Me preferred nuts to keeping six dollars, But me changed my mind 'cuz of the crackers, "You are a fool!" my reason cop hollers, "You shouldn't have held on to your smackers!" Am I reckless with my utilities? Wasting them, conserving futilities?